90 seconds with the Fame, Success, and Humility
पडघम - क्रीडानामा
Salil Joshi
  • सचिन तेंडुलकर
  • Mon , 24 April 2023
  • पडघम क्रीडानामा सचिन तेंडुलकर Sachin Tendulkar

मास्टरब्लास्टर सचिन तेंडुलकरचा आज पन्नासावा वाढदिवस. जिवंतपणीच दंतकथा झालेल्या या अफाट लोकप्रिय क्रिकेटपटूविषयीचा हा एक लेख...


It was one sleepy, balmy October afternoon in downtown Mumbai. The year was 1996. Otherwise, the crowded area with sarkari-babus was relatively empty that day. The beautiful colonial architecture of south Mumbai was prominent due to the sheer lack of people on the streets.

The corner tea stalls, and sandwich shops were having a breather with very few patrons. Nothing beats watching a game of cricket - another perfect colonial gift - on such an obscure Saturday in a fascinating area of South Mumbai (alas Bombay!). And even more so, nothing would match gaining access to an elite Garware pavilion in the nearby Wankhede stadium to watch a domestic cricket match.


“निखिल वागळे यांचे ‘मोदी महाभारत’ हे पुस्तक वाचून झाले. खूप वेगळ्या नोंदी आणि बारकावे या पुस्तकात आहेत. या दोन वर्षांत इतके दर्जेदार पुस्तक वाचले नव्हते... मी ‘मोदी महाभारत’ वाचले, तुम्हीही वाचा.” - संदीप काळे, पत्रकार

ऑनलाईन पुस्तक खरेदीसाठी पहा -



It was the Irani Trophy match between the defending Ranji champ Mumbai against Rest-of-India. This All-Star game of the season was a precursor to the upcoming tour of the Indian cricket team. The selection committee for the Indian cricket team was also keenly watching the game to pick the best. Having never watched a live game of cricket in the stadium, I was elated, particularly with the idea of watching my favorite Mumbai cricket players.

My jubilation found no bounds as I could spot my favorite Mumbai cricket players on the field and many retired stalwarts in the stands. Sitting a few seats next to me was Guddappa Vishwanath – a chief selector, Dilip Vengsarkar keenly observing the game with several Mumbai Cricket ex-players showing equal interest in the domestic cricket match. With no hint of glamour in the game that we could see today and with pure dedication towards the game, all these gentlemen were watching every move with discerning interest. The players were equally enthusiastic despite being a domestic cricket match with no cameras and the glamour of cricket.

One could find a few hundred cricket enthusiasts in a vast stadium in different stands.

Mumbai was fielding. In the middle was Sachin Tendulkar leading the side. A wicket brought Saurav Ganguly to the crease. A quick meeting was summoned in the middle by Captain Tendulkar. The bowlers were Abbey Kuruvilla and Nilesh Kulkarni from both ends. After a couple of overs, Tendulkar gathered a few from the team for another meeting and immediately brought himself to the bowling attack. After all, the man figured out Ganguly from their under-14 days. And sure, Tendulkar with some cutter-off-break-leg break-spinning deliveries, trapped Ganguly and earned the prized scalp. To my remembrance the rest of India struggled a bit before folding out which brought the end of the day's play.

With some cherished memories, I started to walk away from the stadium towards the Marine Drive seashore. There were a few curious onlookers at the gate hoping to get a glimpse of players. When I decided to walk away from the stadium without waiting for the players to come out, there was this feeling of a missed opportunity to get one final look at any of my favorite players.


तुम्ही ‘अक्षरनामा’ची वर्गणी भरलीय का? नसेल तर आजच भरा. कर्कश, गोंगाटी आणि द्वेषपूर्ण पत्रकारितेबद्दल बोलायला हवंच, पण जी पत्रकारिता प्रामाणिकपणे आणि गांभीर्यानं केली जाते, तिच्या पाठीशीही उभं राहायला हवं. सजग वाचक म्हणून ती आपली जबाबदारी आहे.

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There is a short stretch from the Garware gate of the stadium to the marine drive. Away from the stadium entrance, it must be 500 meters and one reaches a traffic signal. With very light traffic and a pleasant evening breeze coming over the sea, I gingerly walked to the traffic light and decided to pause and enjoy the moment at that intersection of the street. While waiting for the pedestrian light to allow me to cross, I saw a vehicle approaching from the stadium side.

A charming red Maruti Suzuki – a car model of its prime during that era - stopped half a foot from me. In the driver's seat was none other than Sachin Tendulkar.

The mid-1990s was that phase of Indian cricket in which Tendulkar was already pronounced as a stalwart. Furthermore, he had started showing a glimpse of that eventuality of becoming a sports icon, an establishment, and the ultimate hope for every cricket lover in India. It was also the era where the benefits of a globalized open market in India started to show their appeal with brands and plentiful opportunities for young blood in every field. Tendulkar was emblematic of the changing era and was a hope for the middle class. He, in many ways, was a brand ambassador for my generation, successfully carrying the weight of a nation on his shoulders but at the same time not shying away from living life to the fullest. On that very intersection of streets, there must be at least three lifestyle billboards of the same man endorsing different products.

And here he was, in a car, just a few feet away from me. With an open jaw and full of admiration, I could not help but keep gazing at him. It was impolite to stare. It was a super invasion of his privacy. But I was not ready to pass on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sitting next to him was then Mumbai (and later on India) wicket-keeper Sameer Dighe. (I must confess here that it would have been even more pleasant, had it been Vinod Kambli on that seat due to the fascination with their friendship). Dighe and Tendulkar were absorbed in some spirited conversation. From his gestures, it was evident that the discussion was about cricket. Those were the days without cell phones and cameras. But seeing him so engrossed in the conversation itself was an astonishing site. Asking for an autograph or at least shaking his hands and thanking him for his services to the country was natural. But I resisted that thought and decided to enjoy the visuals.

Somehow Tendulkar noted my existence (or at least I felt that he did). For a rather lonely afternoon traffic, that signal light was off (or On?) for a considerable time. After about 45 seconds, the great man was visibly awkward by my constant gape. And the moment came – and he gestured to me as if he offered me to cross the street. To that, I returned a wave of just letting it go with a smile … naayhh!!


“निखिल वागळे यांचे ‘मोदी महाभारत’ हे पुस्तक वाचून झाले. खूप वेगळ्या नोंदी आणि बारकावे या पुस्तकात आहेत. या दोन वर्षांत इतके दर्जेदार पुस्तक वाचले नव्हते... मी ‘मोदी महाभारत’ वाचले, तुम्हीही वाचा.” - संदीप काळे, पत्रकार

ऑनलाईन पुस्तक खरेदीसाठी पहा -



By the time, it was a minute and Tendulkar, now supremely uncomfortable, signaled me pointing towards Dighe. He was urging me to shower some of the accolades on his friend and fellow teammate – or frankly asking him to be released from the continuous eyeballing. With a broad smile on three faces – Tendulkar, Dighe, and mine – I looked towards his fellow passenger and waved at him. Sigh!! Tendulkar threw his back on the seat and relaxed for a moment, appearing to be slightly relieved. By this time, the animated conversation between both completely stopped. And their focus was this unknown person. But I could care less. It was the best mute interview on cricketing earth designed solely for me.

Like all good innings, this too had to end. In 15-20 seconds, after I had liberated him from the extreme embarrassment of getting noticed by a total stranger, the traffic light turned green for him. Tendulkar, with a grin on their face, offered the trademark nod that was usually reserved for a bowler against him to start the run-up and raced away leaving me ever inundated with this encounter.

There was no allurement, condescension, not even ignorance for a pure fan. There was no encroachment in his personal space from my side and acceptance or sharing of mute praise by him. Tendulkar that day showed impeccable humility by making an absolute total stranger persona grata!!


हेहीपाहावाचाअनुभवा -

‘सचिन – ए बिलियन ड्रीम’ : ओन्ली फॉर सचिन–भक्त!


लेखक सलील जोशी बोस्टन, अमेरिकास्थित असून माहिती व तंत्रज्ञान या क्षेत्रात काम करतात.



‘अक्षरनामा’वर प्रकाशित होणाऱ्या लेखातील विचार, प्रतिपादन, भाष्य, टीका याच्याशी संपादक व प्रकाशक सहमत असतातच असे नाही. 


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तुम्ही ‘अक्षरनामा’ची वर्गणी भरलीय का? नसेल तर आजच भरा. कर्कश, गोंगाटी आणि द्वेषपूर्ण पत्रकारितेबद्दल बोलायला हवंच, पण जी पत्रकारिता प्रामाणिकपणे आणि गांभीर्यानं केली जाते, तिच्या पाठीशीही उभं राहायला हवं. सजग वाचक म्हणून ती आपली जबाबदारी आहे.

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अक्षरनामा न्यूजलेटरचे सभासद व्हा

शारीर प्रेम न करता शार्लट आणि शॉचे प्रेम ४५ वर्षे टिकले आणि दोघांनीही असंख्य अफेअर्स करूनही सार्त्र आणि सीमोनचे प्रेम ५४ वर्षे टिकले! (पूर्वार्ध)

किटीवर निरतिशय प्रेम असताना लेव्हिन आनाचे पोर्ट्रेट बघून हादरून गेला. तिला बघितल्यावर, तिची अमर्याद ग्रेस त्याला हलवून गेली. आनाला कुठले तरी सत्य स्पर्शून गेले आहे, हे त्याला जाणवले. आनाबद्दल त्याच्या मनात भावना तयार व्हायला लागल्या. त्याला एकदम किटीची आठवण आली. त्याला गिल्टी वाटू लागले. ही सौंदर्याची ताकद! शारीरिक आणि भावनिक आणि तात्त्विक सौंदर्य समोर आले की, काहीतरी विलक्षण घडू लागते.......

प्रश्न कॅनडाचे पंतप्रधान जस्टीन ट्रुडो तोंडावर आपटतात की काय याचा नाही. प्रश्न आहे, आपण आणि आपली लोकशाही सतत दात पाडून घेणार की काय, हा...

३० जानेवारीला भारताच्या परराष्ट्र मंत्रालयाने, उलट कॅनडाच भारताच्या अंतर्गत कारभारात हस्तक्षेप करत असल्याचा आरोप केला आहे. पण याचे आपल्या माध्यमांना काय? त्यांनी अपमाहिती मोहिमेबद्दल जे म्हटले गेले, ते हत्याप्रकरणाशी जोडून टाकले. त्यांच्या बातम्यांचे मथळे पाहता कोणासही असे वाटावे की, या अहवालाने ट्रुडोंचे तोंड फोडले. भारताला निर्दोषत्वाचे प्रमाणपत्र मिळाले. प्रोपगंडा चालतो तो असा. अर्धसत्ये आणि अपमाहितीवर.......